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95. Wait

I’m just sitting here, I’m thinking ’bout you
About your face, your spirit

I left a message to you,
and now I’m just waiting
Because I don’t know :
-What’s your answer gonna be…

After only four days, four nights
I will know
Yes or no

I’ve spent all my life with wait
Now I wanted to know :
-what is the feeling beside you?

The time is getting on
The sand had spind in the clock
The time passes.
The days, the weeks go slowly
Again, and again I see that faces
We are greeting each other and talking
Some words, some flashes
But the fire had burn out, and don’t stay other one
I’m just sitting, and I patience without a word
I were seized by doubts, than I know your answer

I fell more, we resemble
Somewhere our feelings like
We think on same

I look out on a window, I hear the sound of the town
You are there somewhere too
The wind is bringing you

The lights of the day step in the twilight
It’s, changing its place with the dark
But, if it will has end, cause new day start,
everything start again, and I have wait again !
My desires disappear slowly in the currents of a river
Some from those reach the surface still,
but can’t to break from the watery grave of the surfs

I feel I have to step
But I can’t venture to do without you

I wait for you, when I can.
I wait for you

It’s for Sue Rogovsky
From those times, when I wanted love her …

After dec. in ’94 (- ’95)

Published in1994-1996.08.06Lhotka LászlóVersek - PoemZsuzsa